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about us

About PM hair design

After 12 years of hairdressing the honeymoon phase is still going strong and I just want to share my passion with everyone, and now thanks to spread shirt I can

La confiance n’est pas une chimère

Des produits hors du commun

Imprimés avec des designs originaux que tu ne trouveras nul part ailleurs

Un partenaire expérimenté

De l’impression au SAV, avec Spreadshirt, ta commande est entre de bonnes mains

Ta satisfaction, notre priorité

Peu importe la raison. Simple, sans tralala, tu as 30 jours pour contacter le SAV

PM Hair Design

Anyone who is willing to purchase anything thank you so so much from both myself and my son I can’t wate to see a pic of you all wearing something that has been a dream sence I was a child ❤️

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